6 Tips To Turn Your Lawn Into A Playground Without Damage
Are your kids begging you to build a playground in the backyard like at the neighbor's house? Are you afraid you are going to ruin your lush lawn in the process?
You can turn your lawn into a fun playground without destroying it! All you have to do is follow these 6 tips listed below to build your little ones a new safe and exciting place to play.
Let's dive in!
Pick A Spot
First, decide where you want your playground to be. By doing this, you will keep your kids glued to one spot and out of the others. You surely don't want your kids building sandcastles in your flower bed.
Look at the state of your lawn to see where you want those busy little feet running around. The best option is to build a playground in the area where the grass is already doing badly. Don’t hesitate to turn that bald spot in your backyard into the heart of your home.
Lay Protective Surfacing
Don't forget to protect your children with some type of safety surfacing. The grass in high-traffic areas will inevitably lose its vigor or strip away. You may even get some muddy spots under a swing set or slide if you don't protect it in time.
The best way to protect your lawn on a budget is to lay wood chip mulch in the area. Mulch will keep your lawn mud-free and keep your kids bruise-free. Another option is to lay some artificial fall-safe turf on the dedicated play area. You won’t have to water or mow this spot ever again!
Make Good Use Of Trees
Instead of digging huge holes in your lawn to secure swing set posts, why not make good use of the big trees in your yard.
Hang a swing on a secure branch to create some cheap entertainment for your kids. How about a tire swing or a treehouse? Your kids will love it!
There are two major benefits to incorporating trees into your playground. You won't have to dig post holes in your lawn and you will keep your kids off the rest of the grass.
Trampoline For The Win
Having a playhouse at home is a fun idea at first, but kids quickly outgrow it. Years later, you are stuck with the thing in your backyard.
Why not buy a trampoline instead? A trampoline will give your little ones lots of fun without ruining your lawn. You simply set it up in the desired spot, no digging is required. Your kids will spend hours jumping on it and not on your grass!
Create An Obstacle Course
One thing we know for sure is that kids love a good challenge. Turning your lawn into an obstacle course won't cause much damage to it and is a cheap idea too!
The next time you mow your lawn, try following these lawn striping ideas to create running tracks. Use old tires, ropes, cardboard boxes, crates, stones, and branches as a material to create various obstacles. Challenge your kids to run, jump, climb, crawl, and balance.
Set Up An Artist Station
Buy a big sheet of plywood and paint it with some chalkboard paint. You can also paint the inner side of your wooden fence with black chalkboard paint instead. Your kids can draw, write, and doodle on it while they sit on the lush green grass. Encourage your kids to create unique art in your backyard every day.
Home Is What You Make It
Converting your lawn into a playground is easy! Work with what you’ve got and use your creativity as the building blocks. At the end of the day, home is what you make it! Let your kids take part in turning the lawn into their little world.
Did you enjoy our list of tips for converting a lawn into a playground without damaging it? Feel free to share these ideas with your friends and family!
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