Jake has been part of Play & Playground Magazine since 2001 when he took a job illustrating Slyde the Playground Hound, a mascot dedicated to teaching playground safety. He also built playgrounds in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. He was lucky enough to do layout and graphic design work with the NPCAI, helping with the quarterly Playbook and the first edition of the Playground Construction School. As a freelance graphic/web designer, he helped develop the playground encyclopedia and the Playground Professionals news and directory pages, as well as the layout for The Playground Magazine.
Jake purchased PGP in October of 2015 and has been working furiously to ensure the legacy of this publication. He strives to keep Playground Professionals as the authority on play structures, amenities, and industry trends. Playground Professionals has big plans, so follow along on social media or subscribe to the newsletter and up to date!