What does water play mean to you?
Welcome to the summer issue of Play and Playground Magazine! I am Aaron Hamilton, the new Advertising Director, and I’m excited for the opportunity to be involved in the world of play and playgrounds.
Summer months bring a wide variety of activities, usually including water. In fact, more so than any aspect of play, water brings all ages together. Since water is the basis of life, it’s no surprise that it becomes an element that enhances play. Water play brings an element of danger and risk, in turn, a respect that provokes wonder and fascination.
I can’t help but remember my childhood and teenage years as I embrace my new role with Play and Playground Magazine. I was fortunate to grow up in a rural town that had a city pool. Socializing and swimming with friends was a way of life and riding our bikes to the city pool became a daily routine. Little did I know at the time, that this routine was so vital to my own health and development. The pool had already become a home away from home and seemed the perfect transition for my first job, so I became a lifeguard at the city pool as a teenager. It is obvious to me now that water play has come a long way since I made those memories! Bringing water play to focus in 2016 has been informative and exciting for me, and has been a reminder of just how much of an impact those childhood days at the pool made on me.
Summer brings opportunity for families to come together: friendly gatherings, vacations, reunions, and any reason to be together with people we care about. While children have a break from daily academics and structure for a few short months, the need for recreation, activity, and hands-on play reaches peak levels. Hot temps mean seeking ways to cool down. This is why we at Play and Playground Magazine have reached out to experts in the industry to provide ideas, solutions, and innovations in products, as well as updates on the latest trends surrounding water play. Water play is becoming a more expansive industry as there seems to be no shortage of design ideas and products aimed to keep the blistering heat a manageable, and useful element in enjoying the summer. We want to stay on the forefront of an ever-changing industry that involves water and play, and hope we can inspire the desire to play - Summer Style!
- Aaron Hamilton, Advertising Director