When last we spoke, winter was just kicking into gear here in Idaho. I regret to inform you that, despite the calendar’s confirmation it is spring, it still looks like winter here. Of course, I just got back from my annual pilgrimage to warmer climes. It was tough to leave 80 degrees and sunny to come home to over 4 feet of snow. But hey, by the time you read this, I will be headed to the 10th Anniversary Play Conference in Clemson, South Carolina. How fun!! The theme for this year’s US Play Coalition Conference is Play for Life. Keep an eye out on our website for my report after the Play Conference.
Sometimes we adults forget that life should be playful. I am as guilty as the next person about that. However, I do reserve at least some time during the year to play. My winter vacation a couple of weeks ago included a day of scuba diving. To me, this is the best sort of play! Learning to dive was a life-long dream that I realized a few years ago. It pushes my limits, teaches me something new, let’s me experience unusual things. One of the keys of scuba diving is to approach it calmly, so it is a great exercise in mindfulness. These are just some of the benefits that adults get from remembering to play!
The articles in this magazine issue will help change your perspective on play. We tend to think only of kids playing, and we focus on the physical benefits. You will read how play and recess help children develop academically and socially as well as physically. Amazingly enough, you will then read how music helps kids develop physically. You will even read how your business can benefit from being playful in your community!
At Playground Professionals, we partner with many different companies and organizations to bring you relevant information on playgrounds, parks and the play lifestyle. Through these collaborations, you get to read about fascinating projects and technical details. We share event schedules with you that cover conferences as well as training. We get to attend some of these so we can bring you first-hand reports. We are always hunting for new engaging stories. If you are looking to publicize your project, event, or technical research, contact us and we can help.
Enjoy reading this issue of our magazine. We hope you learn something new and raise some questions that make you search for more information. Remember to check out our website each week as we continue to post blogs about Play & Playgrounds. We will continue to bring you play for your life as well as for your kids’.