Updates from IPEMA
IPEMA's philosophy is simple:
To represent and promote an open market for manufacturers of playground equipment and surfacing.
- To represent and serve all manufacturers of the playground equipment industry.
- To provide members with timely, in-depth information on key economic and governmental issues affecting the industry.
- To promote relationships with other related organizations to enhance the strength of the marketplace.
IPEMA is a non-profit, membership, trade association.
Third-Party Certification Program
In the interest of public safety, IPEMA provides third-party Product Certification services for U.S. and Canadian public play equipment and U.S. public play surfacing materials. The services provide for the validation of a participant’s certification of conformance to one of the standards referenced below. Both programs are administered by TÜV SÜD America.
- ASTM F1487-11, excluding sections 7.1.1, 10 and 12.6.1 - Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground Equipment for Public use
- CAN/CSA-Z614-14 excluding clauses 9.8, 10, and 11 - Children’s Playspaces and Equipment
- ASTM F1292-13 - Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment
- ASTM F2075-10a - Standard Specification for Engineered Wood Fiber for Use as a Playground Safety Surface Under and Around Playground Equipment
Voice of Play
IPEMA maintains an ongoing initiative to promote the benefits of children’s play and playgrounds and to provide information and resources to help us all improve the quality and quantity of children’s play and playgrounds. A website, www.voiceofplay.org, is sponsored by the International Play Equipment Manufacturers (IPEMA), and is for parents, kids, community groups, school principals, boards, teachers and administrators; parks and recreation professionals; playground designers and equipment manufacturers – along with everyone who cares about kids and play! Some highlights of this site include information about physical, social, emotional and cognitive benefits of play; playground certification and standards; a resource kit for parents; and an area to ask questions to our play experts.