Help Your Child Get Organized for School
If your child, waiting to go to school, joyfully shouts “Hurray!”, you are lucky and you can consider yourself happy parents because most young schoolchildren are waiting for September with fear and anxiety. Therefore, the first task of the dad and mom of first-graders is to help their child cross the threshold of school and learn to live by new rules. Moreover, this must be done competently so that the newly-made student does not want to run away from the class in the very first days.
This is a technique that allows you to determine the maturity of the brain centers and, accordingly, the child's readiness for school. Testing is carried out in a playful way. However, not all parents have the opportunity to send a child for such a diagnosis, so it can be made easier. First, we recall that logic begins to form at the age of 7-8, and until that time the right hemisphere is the leading hemisphere. Therefore, children who were taught to read and write up to 6 years old, thereby developing the left hemisphere, need a balance with the right. The best way to get back to right-brain activity is through sports, swimming, and creativity.
Choosing a Teacher
An important factor in choosing the teacher is not only the teacher's ability to establish contact with the student but also the teacher's temperament. If the child is choleric and the teacher is phlegmatic, then, of course, a playful student will annoy the teacher, which is unlikely to form a good relationship. In the opposite situation (phlegmatic child, choleric teacher), the child will not keep up.
Scary to Wait
Every adult knows what a "state of expectation" is, how much uncertainty and fears it contains. So: a future first grader has a hundred times more of them on the threshold of school. Emotions can be very different - from sadness to euphoria. We must accept them and try to help the child. If he is sad about parting with kindergarten friends, help him make new acquaintances before school. This does not mean that you need to choose a companion for your child for life. Just meet in advance someone who lives nearby and send your child to the same school as you. The road to school will be fun and the expectations of a new life will be less alarming.
Take your child for a walk around the school. However, you should not silently wander through the empty corridors: tell your child your school story, and give not only positive examples from the series "we ran, jumped and enjoyed life", but tell, for example, how once you got lost, couldn't find a toilet for a long time and were embarrassed to ask strangers, and then you thought: “Why am I ashamed because all people go to the toilet and surely there is one at school?”, and asked the senior pupils for help and they helped.
When forming a story, focus on the character traits of your child: it is important for a shy toddler to hear stories about overcoming shyness. The main thing is to convey to the child the idea that it is not scary at school, where everything is on an equal footing. Show the main "assemblage points" - the toilet, the dining room, the locker room and explain what is there.
Role Change
Parents must understand that a child may come to school in a completely different role than he played earlier. Children with a pronounced leadership potential may try to take the usual position of “chief director”, others may turn from leaders into outsiders. The main thing here is not to hang labels on children, but to help them understand that everyone has their own potential and every child is special. If the child does not succeed in something - do not scold, but support: "It's okay that you can't read as fast as others, but you draw beautifully / run fast / love cats / know how to stand on your head."
The right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creativity and motor activity, is more developed in children of preschool and primary school age. Getting to school, the child experiences a load on the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking. Moreover, as a rule, excessive - at least three hours a day. This load creates an inadequate emotional state and can cause irritability, anxiety, fears. What to do? Relax, but not in front of the TV, computer, or with a book (even if the child likes to read), but to organize the right-brain relaxation: drawing, walking, sports.
The Collective
Children who did not go to kindergarten should be actively introduced to the children's environment in playgrounds and children's rooms during the remaining summer days. But not just hanging out, but teaching to get to know each other - asking simple questions: "What is your name?" how old are you?" and answer them. It brings people together quickly.
There are situations in which sociable mothers cannot understand their timid children and themselves suffer from their isolation, while not noticing that the child is quite comfortable without a big crowd. Here, of course, it is necessary to work with the perception of the mother. But if the kid complains that the children do not play with him, it makes sense to deal with the child himself. To begin with, you need to understand whether he has communication skills and whether he adequately "reads" social signals. Often, children deprived of communication with their peers perceive even a friendly slap on the shoulder as an act of aggression. What to do? Explain to the child the rules of life in a team and teach to interpret various signals from the environment.
Homework and Backpack
In the first grade, students do their homework and pack their backpacks with their parents. Starting from the 2nd grade, the child gets ready for school and does his homework himself, and the parent only prompts and controls. From the 4th grade, the experienced student already does everything himself with full responsibility for the consequences.