Ways Admins Can Improve Academic Performance in Schools
No matter where it is—in the city, suburbs, or countryside—children need school. A quality education drives society and ensures people become functional, healthy, and educated adults. Yet, sometimes, achieving academic progress can be difficult, especially for administrators and teachers. Difficult students, underfunded districts, and unrealistic testing protocols make the job of academic achievement harder than it needs to be. Still, there are some ways admins can improve academic performance in schools that helps teachers, students, and parents in the process.
Push Positivity
As with any work environment, teachers and administrators must push for a positive work culture to improve academic performance among students. A positive work environment applies to both teachers and students. Administrators should consider the teachers’ work stressors just as much as the students. In both cases, creating a positive work environment helps eliminate these stressors, which improves work and study performance. A positive school environment also reduces detentions, suspensions, and expulsions, thus promoting a friendlier environment for the students.
Make Use of Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher conferences are great for two reasons: informing parents of their child’s performance and monitoring and assessing teacher accountability. Administrators must prioritize these moments of teacher-parent interaction to gain insight into student progress in schools. Conferences allow teachers to learn about issues at home, cognitive or intellectual disabilities, or distractions that the student may face in the classroom. This also invites an opportunity for parents and teachers to work together to set goals for the student. It also allows administrators insight into teacher accountability on classroom issues and performance. Administrators should use this time to foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding for parents and teachers alike.
Build Playgrounds Where Kids Can Relax
Playgrounds are a great way that admins can improve academic performance in schools. They allow children to relax, destress, and expend any extra energy they would typically save for the classroom. Building a playground is easy with the right equipment and features. Having a recess period in which students have time to unwind and play gives them something to look forward to. It’s unwise to schedule a hard or serious lesson before recess, as students will be less likely to pay attention, but incorporating a work period afterward might motivate students to work harder. When this recess occurs is up to the school’s discretion, but giving students time to exercise has been proven to stimulate brain activity and cognition, both of which help with academic ability.