Solutions for any age
It's getting to be a bigger challenge all the time it seems. We just aren't regarded as a fit society. While it might seem a little utopian, wouldn't it be nice if we were all healthy and fit? That's not likely to happen, but we can at least try to curb illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes in children. That's where we need to start, too, with such an integral part of being healthy, and that's one of the easiest things for a child to do - play.
It has been said that children who are obese stand a greater chance of being obese in their adult years as well. Sometimes you'll find a case where a child seems to put on a bit of weight in a short amount of time but then hits a growth spurt shortly after. That's not generally something doctors worry about. But if your child is putting the weight on, it would be a good idea to take him in for a checkup - just to make sure all is well and they are growing at a healthy rate.
Play really is such an important part of controlling the problems we are experiencing with obesity as a society.
It has also been said that making sure a child takes his vitamins regularly will make it so that his body won't feel it is missing out on important vitamins and minerals. This seems to lead to unhealthy cravings for sweets that will temporarily give the body that feeling of fulfillment. After the sweets are out of the bloodstream though, the body is right back to that state of feeling it needs a little something more, so a lot of children and adults reach for the sweets for that instant gratification.
Over the years there have been several programs helping with the obesity issue. Let's Just Play, created by Nickelodeon, and its TV program called the Let's Just Play Go Healthy Challenge, in partnership with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, showed that play can benefit children even done part way. It also took a look at the lives of four real children and the challenges they have to make healthy choices that will affect the rest of their lives. It wasn't like watching reality TV, but more of an example from which children can learn the benefits of making healthy choices.
Since then, many more programs have emerged that are dedicated to preventing obesity and encouraging play in children. Active for Life, a Canadian not-for-profit social initiative founded by B2ten, is a national initiative created to help parents give their children the right start in life through the development of physical literacy. They have many resources and articles to empower parents and teachers and give them tools to raise healthy kids.
This isn't something that you have to spend extra money to go to. Rather it's something you can create within your own community to help bring about awareness of the importance of play. The benefits of play are amazing when you consider that it can bring about important changes in a child's social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development.
Encouraging children to participate in programs such as this is a great way to get them off the couch and away from video games. Video games certainly have their place, but children really need physical exercise to have a healthy lifestyle.
Best of all with these programs though, is that by participating in them, a child can't help but have some fun along the way which helps make for a happy child as well. Play really is an important part of controlling the problems we are experiencing with obesity as a society. Get out and play today!