4 Santa-Approved Ways Kids Can Give Back During the Holidays
It’s important to teach children that the real meaning of the holidays is to give back. For instance, we can teach them random acts of kindness to do to others.
Children are impressionable, and without our guidance, they may not know the best ways to give back to others. However, we can start teaching them through our Santa-approved ways kids can give back during the holidays. Let’s prepare those donation bins and start caroling with the kids this holiday season.
Spreading Love from Afar
The first way we can help children give back to those in need during the holidays is by sending cards. A little kindness goes a long way. They can send cards to children in hospitals and soldiers overseas who can’t be home with their families. By sending a card to a sick child or a soldier, your children are helping them celebrate with their family in spirit and bringing smiles to their faces.
Donating What We Outgrow
Children outgrow many things, such as toys, sports equipment, and clothes. We can reuse these items and pass them on to someone who needs them. Help your children set up a donation drive for clothes, toys, and other items they no longer play with or need.
Donating helps children understand the value of giving items to others to enjoy. Other kids who need comfort can find it in the toys your children give away. Additionally, teaching children to give away things they outgrow helps them become more organized.
Teaching the Value of Giving and Earning
As kids grow up, they learn many things about giving to others. The most memorable way children can learn this is by finding opportunities to donate to a charity of their choice.
Allowing a child to choose how they donate can help them learn how to handle their money and give back to people in need. For instance, you can start up a small piggy bank for donations for each child, and once it’s filled, you can go with your children and donate it to a charity.
Become Santa’s Special Helper
Many of Santa’s elves spend their time looking after people who are less fortunate than others. So, to help out Santa’s elves, your children can become Santa’s special helpers. Your children can do “small acts of elf kindness” by taping quarters to a cold beverage vending machine or tying scarves to nearby poles for others to use. Acts such as these can teach children that small acts of kindness can make a difference in one’s life. You could also suggest that they bring presents to children in hospitals or go caroling at a nursing home.
As we find new ways to give back during the holiday season, let’s keep encouraging children to volunteer. Our list of Santa-approved ways kids can give back during the holidays is the beginning of showing the best ways children can learn the value and joy of giving back to others.