Michael Baldwin is a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) who resides in Irvine, California, and is involved in a company specializing in environmentally safe and recycled content products, including the safest playground fall safety surfacing. Michaelhas served on industry panels, written and conducted seminars for the 11 western states and Hawaii regarding playground fall safety, and is a nationally published author on the same topic. Michael is also a life and health insurance agent licensed in the State of California. Michael has been co-founder, president, CEO, COO and/or CFO of domestic and international businesses, both public and private, and a business and marketing consultant for grant recipients of the State of California’s Tire-Derived Product segment of the CA Integrated Waste Management Board. In one of Michael’s former roles as co-founder, president and COO of a telematics company, the company worked extensively with sophisticated multi-axis and multi-stage accelerometers installed in numerous of locations throughout North America, collecting tens of thousands of incidents of accelerometer impact data daily. As a parent, and now grandparent to four grandchildren, Michael is passionate about children’s playground fall safety. You may contact Michael Baldwin through this website, or contact him directly by phone at (949) 861-3288.