Teresa (Teri) B. Hendy is the president and owner of Site Masters, Inc. based in Cincinnati, OH, and has for the past 20 years been actively involved as a design and safety consultant to the school, park and recreation industry.
Teri brings extensive knowledge of the standards and guidelines that apply to the playground industry as she has actively worked with the ASTM subcommittees and the Consumer Product Safety Commission since 1987. She has served as chairperson of the ASTM F15.09 Subcommittee that developed the standard for residential play equipment and serves as chairperson of the entrapment working group within the ASTM F15.29 Subcommittee that developed the standard for public playground equipment. As an artist and former school teacher, she also has an understanding of aesthetics and child development.
Teri has served as the chair of the National Playground Safety Institute Curriculum Committee. She has been responsible for the development of the curriculum that is used by the institute to certify playground safety inspectors. Hendy is directly responsible for training instructors for the safety institute.
She is also a nationally recognized author, speaker, and expert in the area of playground safety and design, earning numerous awards over the years for design and for her contribution to the playground industry.