Hello again to all our loyal readers and welcome newcomers to our magazine Play and playgrounds. After a long hot summer season it is once again time for leaves to change colors and begin to fall from the trees. Students have returned to school for the new school year and Fall begins. We proudly present to you our 2016 Fall issue of Play and Playground Magazine.
This season we are focusing on playground Equipment and trends new and old. I’ve compiled a small, yet broad spectrum of articles related to the fundamentals of play and playgrounds from some of the most knowledgeable pros in the industry. Equipment is an important focus in a park or playground, whether it's traditional, theme oriented or even bespoke play design. Proper and safe equipment is key to having lifelong memories during any playtime experience. The possibilities of park or playground design when properly equipped are unbelievable and go far beyond your parent's school playground from years past.
This issue is interesting to me for its historical references, which show how old equipment trends are rediscovered and improved on through new technology that greatly improves safe play time for our loved ones. The technology of today helps improve not just safety but also the aesthetics with greatly enhanced, environmentally sound, high activity resistant materials. This season you will find out which trends are popular and their connections with times past. Some things have not changed, with a growing trend of adventure style playgrounds utilizing age old equipment made of wood and rope. We hope to bring the perspective of play throughout history, as a reminder of what is important today. t and old trends, improved upon, will remind you of why you loved play time when you were young.
As we reflect on the summer, we hope to entice some ideas for playgrounds and playspaces in your neck of the woods. Lastly, here at Play and Playground Magazine, we urge you to be safe, play hard, have fun, make great memories.