Photo by Patrick Fore via Unsplash
Studies have shown that the act of play is a crucial component in the growth and development of the brain, body, and intellect [in children]. Studies of how young people learn have proven, that children especially, acquire knowledge experientially, through play, experimentation, exploration, and discovery, according to a study at UMKC School of Education’s Edgar L. and Rheta A. Berkley.
If you want to spend the day hanging out with your kids but don’t know how you came to the right place. We do! A walk in the park would be the most suitable choice for you. Let’s take a look at the benefits:
1: Improves Vision
“Lifestyle in early youth is very much associated with the onset of myopia,” Dr. Caroline Klaver of Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam told Reuters Health in an email interview. “Not being outside and performing lots of near work will increase risk a lot,” writes Recent studies have shown that children who spend more time outdoors are less exposed to myopia than those who do not.
2: Develops Social Skills
Kids will nevertheless socialize on the playground. They will bond with one another, make connections, and develop great social skills. “Many adults who suffer from social anxiety or fear have not been exposed to a broad social setting when young,” shares Dr. Christina Smith. Avoid that by taking your kids to the park and spend some quality time with them!
3: Increases Attention Span
According to studies at the A.D.D. Resource Center, more than 6.4 million American children ages 4-17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. The numbers are worrying – it looks like our children have an attention span way shorter than they should. Playing outdoors – where they must pay attention to different variables and obstacles – can ultimately lengthen our kids’ attention span.
4: Reduces Stress
After a busy kindergarten/school day, who wouldn’t enjoy a day in the park? Nature has its own beauty – it relaxes and heals us. “To help your kids stay focused and become less anxious or tense, let them play outside,” advises Psychologist Dana Munro, HR coordinator at EssayOnTime.
5: Boosts their Vitamin D Level
Outdoor play allows children’s bodies to produce vitamin D from its best natural source, the sunlight. Vitamin D enhances mood by helping to release serotonin in the brain, according to Action for Children U.K. Children must play outside to acquire the proper quantity of vitamin D in their bodies.
6: Develops their Athletic Skills
Kids must start to learn basic cognitive functions as toddlers; playing outdoors helps them understand balance, space, and coordination. Try playing pass the ball with your kid and watch his or her reactions. Do it daily for one month and see how their motor skills improve.
7: Teaches Them Teamwork
When children play together without competing, they understand what teamwork means. While educators might promote a competitive setting in kindergarten or school, you must teach them the opposite, so that they stay balanced – competition is good up to a point; teamwork is better for future success.
8: Makes Them Happy
When children breathe fresh air, run, interact with other kids, and learn new skills, they feel happy. What’s more important is that they feel happy in your presence, which means you two (or more?) will create new bonds and develop a special, closer relationship. To help your kids develop strong, healthy, and happy, spend time outdoors together. If you are unable to visit the park on a daily basis, take them out at least one day per week.