Is Biltong a Healthy Snack for Your Child?
Although many parents are keen to ensure that their children are eating correctly, they will also want to ensure that there is a choice available regarding lunchtime. Although many may have heard of biltong, not many will know whether it should be included in a child’s lunchbox or not.
The following information details what biltong tastes like, as well as the benefits it can offer to children.
What Is Biltong?
Biltong is dried meat that is remarkably like jerky, although there are some differences between the two.
Whereas jerky is commonly marinated in spices and sauces, the production of biltong uses simple spices and salt in its creation, which often means it is a healthier option than some jerky-based products available. There is also a significant difference in the way biltong tastes when compared to jerky
What Does Biltong Taste Like?
When eating food that is good for us, we often assume the healthiest food will lack the charm and enjoyment of indulgent snacks, but this is not the case. Biltong is seasoned dry meat that can be in the form of chicken and beef.
As such, those that consume biltong will often be amazed at how delicious it is. Sure, everyone has their preference, but parents searching for something healthy and delicious for the children’s lunchbox should at least give biltong some consideration.
If you or your children have experienced jerky in the past and assume biltong will offer the same taste, but this is not the case. Rather than the dry smoky taste associated with jerky, those consuming biltong will experience a unique meat flavor.
What Are the Health Benefits of Biltong?
Many people may have heard about healthy biltong is, but they are not sure of exactly why. Biltong has several benefits, even when consumed by children. For example, biltong is rich in protein, which is essential for the growth and development of children.
Biltong is also low in fat and rich in Vitamin B12 and has even been used by mothers to help children with their teething due to its consistency.
Is All Biltong the Same?
Biltong follows a set process, but the result can be different depending on where you are purchasing your biltong. This means there is the possibility of some biltong not being able to meet the needs of children.
However, finding the right biltong is as simple as using a reputable provider. Those providing biltong suitable for children should be sourcing premium ingredients and listing this accordingly. If you are unsure of what your biltong contains, then it is advisable to search for another provider.
Like any food, biltong should be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. Fortunately, even children who ingest a small amount of biltong can enjoy the benefits it offers, as well as having something tasty to enjoy at lunchtime.
Both jerky and biltong are delicious but knowing the difference between the two allows for more taste sensations and ensures children are eating a snack much healthier than conventional counterparts like crisps and cakes.
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