Founded in 1996, Childforms is now celebrating its 10th anniversary. It started out with a single product and has grown to offer a complete line of children’s play structures geared to the 2-5 year set. It also offers options for schools, parks, and rec with Funtimbers, ChildTurf recycled rubber surfacing as well as accessibility ramps in compliance with ADA.
Childforms is also expanding to include climbing walls, shade shelters and expanding modular equipment. You’ll find the highest quality products, competitive pricing as well as a sales and customer service staff ready to cater to the customer’s needs.
Log on and visit the online catalog full of products created to meet the needs and even fit the budget of schools, childcare facilities, Head Start programs as well as other early childhood programs.
You’ll find Child Shapers play structures, which are independent play events manufactured to aid in large muscle play, sand and water play, dramatic play, and safety and accessibility. The goal of each category of products is to help with physical development, give an avenue for creative and imaginative play, as well as to learn and grow in a safe and accessible play space.
Childforms also offers signs and other site furnishings to complete your play space as well as borders for surfacing. Thematic play, which invites a child into imaginative play is offered with the large firetruck event.
To find out more about what Childforms has to offer for creative and imaginative play solutions, call 800-447-3349 or visit
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