As you read this, I will be enjoying the Holy Grail of multi-generational play - touring Walt Disney World with my grandkids. Of course, as I’m writing this, I’m not there yet, or I wouldn’t have the energy or time to write. I am looking forward to this trip for many reasons. I will get to spend time with the girls, and see the joy on their faces. I will get some joy of my own giving in to my inner child as well as pursuing some of my grown-up play goals. I have reservations to scuba dive in the Epcot aquarium!
Preparing for this vacation as well as pulling together this issue of Play & Playground Magazine does take me back to my childhood. Reading Amy Honigsberg’s article about playing outside after dinner reminds me of many games of “ghost in the graveyard” during summers off from school. I could take you down my memory lane, but I’ll let you wander through your own as you read this issue.
Several articles in this issue bring together the concept of inclusion. Whether you are familiar with Shane’s Inspiration or not, you will love reading how far inclusive playgrounds have come in the past 20 years. Reeve Brenner’s account of two youngsters winning together without an opponent is heart-warming.
We focus on some technical aspects of park management in this issue as well. If you’ve been considering a prefabricated building, check out Hector’s article for some ideas. We spoke with Julie Bolland, Vice President of Membership and Certification at the NRPA, to let you know more about that organization and professional certifications available through NRPA.
While many of you read this magazine on ISSUU, the articles are all available on our webpage as well. As we’ve pointed out over the past couple of issues, we are improving that website and our focus on the play and playground industries. You can continue to see that progress when you check out our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. We also have daily alerts as we share the archived articles from nearly 20 years of Play & Playground Magazine issues. You can continue to count on us to bring you news from the industry, upcoming events, and a directory of professionals to help you with your park and playground needs.
Pat mentions Yellowstone National Park, which is practically in my backyard. This winter here in Idaho had been warmer than usual with less snow. That is, until late February. In the past two weeks, we have been hammered with snow storms typical of December. We are shell-shocked and begging for warm weather. We have to get through “mud season” before we can enjoy the spring, however. Oh, Florida, here I come!