KaBOOM!, the national non-profit dedicated to bringing balanced and active play into the daily lives of all kids has partnered with Cas Holman and Heroes Will Rise to make Rigamajig available to everyone. This breakthrough playspace concept encourages child-directed, unstructured free play. With a focus on loose parts, Rigamajig offers a changing array of elements that allow children to design their own course of play.
KaBOOM! loves seeing communities rally behind a playground, dedicating their time and efforts to spread the gift of play to children. They do their best to provide a catalyst that will inspire communities to rethink play and ensure all kids get the play they need to thrive. A playground project develops long-lasting community capacities, including organizational skills, leadership, and a belief that residents can transform their neighborhoods. It enhances relationships while improving the physical environment. KaBOOM! works in unison with their partners to bring the benefits of play to many communities across the United States, creating a balance of play and enabling kids everywhere to prosper through play. [kaboom.org]